"War, its been a part of humanity in every age. We fight for power, for riches, for rights or for freedom. there always seems to be something to fight for."
I start this blog post with the introduction of War Room, because today, its all about getting to know that we are at war, and we need to understand this battle.
I got the chance to watch the movie a while ago with some friends and it pushed me to make radical decisions in my life. It reminded me of the really important things and the not so important things that I make a priority many times. It showed me how much I have made God secondary yet He is The Primary aspect of my existence.
It reminded me a lot about my childhood. I loved watching movies... romance, action, comedy, thriller; it was dad, sis and I... mum could never do movies.
Of all these, I think action movies had quite the impact. I don't know if it was because of the way my friends narrated how the "starro" would get beat up, just to the point of death and just when it seemed impossible, they would 'resurrect' and beat up the bad guy and take the day.
These movies just got me as a kid... Rambo, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Then there was the damsel in distress that they all had to save, come to think of it, how come there had to be a beautiful girl involved??? Enough of that...
Combining all these with studying the book of Revelation has reminded me.. actually not so much of a reminder, but a realization... that the devil is real, that evil does exist, that the devil will do all he can to take us away from our focus of God.You see, we are that 'damsel in distress' Christ is the 'starro' and the devil is the bad guy.
Getting to read through Revelation 12 and I realize, the only difference is, we are dealing with a bad guy who was already defeated... but we give him the chance to take control of our lives, we allow him to terrorize our lives yet, according to Rev. 12:9, he was already beaten up by the good guys... yet we still let him have his way with us. Now his only strategy is to come down to the earth and attack the closest thing to God... you and I.
Now back to War Room... what does it take to beat this bad guy in our lives, what does it take to get us from the point of letting the devil out of our lives?
Just like Miss Clara starts by saying, every war needs strategy. To beat the devil away from our lives we need to have a strategy. The biggest strategy we have for battling with the is being connected with the one who has already beat him... our God.
Our human nature has caused us to turn to the world seeking joy, seeking all the good things that the world (read the devil) can give us, yet we do not realize that it will lead to our destruction. We are forgetting to include God in our relationships, we forget God at work, in every single thing in our lives... and the devil occupies that room. He leads us to sin in every situation of our lives, he brings strife, anger... he sucks away all good things that Christ has given to us freely. And guess what... we are the reason he stays, we keep him in our lives.
But God is calling us to go down on our knees, to seek Him and we shall be reconciled to Him.
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33The only way to get our joy back, the only way to get the good things in our lives... is to turn back to Christ, to seek Him with all that we are and He will remind the devil that our "Starro" has already beat the bad guy... the battle was already won.
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