Friday, 25 September 2015


And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

It's been ages!!! But today, I'm making it about friends... and thank God for Michael W. Smith for the words in his song Friends

I have recently come to learn the value of friends, the simple things they do in our lives that end up amounting to greatness; a simple phone call, a one word answer, a smile, a shoulder to lean on... you name it. 

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Having a friend means there is someone looking out for me, who can be a support at that point when I am weak and a way by which I can get back up again. So many times I know I have missed it and I have assumed there is no point of having a friend, it is hard at times and I just want to be alone. But in the words of one wise King Solomon, pity me when I fall and there is no one to pick me up. 

Being a friend means I am there for a friend when he too is down because I know, that's exactly what they would do for me; you never think twice about it. We all have those people in our lives that we would do anything for, not really expecting it paid back... that is a friend. 

So today, this goes out to so many people that have helped me up on the many times I have fallen. I have picked up a lot of brothers and sisters along the way and I may have missed many opportunities to recognize and appreciate you. But today, it is all about you.

In my opinion, I have the best friends anyone would ever ask for and maybe I have taken that for granted. So today and every other day, I am taking the opportunity to appreciate my friend. 

I hope this will remind you of the friends that complete your life and appreciate them. My words may not be sufficient enough, but take a moment to share this with the, take a moment to send a thank you note, take a moment to reflect on the times that have made you a friend to someone and bask in knowing that you can be counted as a friend. 

For me, friendship goes beyond all boundaries; it spreads right from where I am, across the city to Umoja, Thika, Dandora, to Machakos, Homa Bay, South Sudan, South Africa, Leeds (I hope people are taking a hint)... It is hard to find the right words to appreciate each and every one of you for the difference you have made in my life, but in short, I love you all and Ill make it a point to appreciate you whenever I can. 

Wherever this life may take you, it may be miles from here, just know that you will never be forgotten, you are part of my life. And Michael W. Smith just had the right words... " and a lifetime is not too long to live as friends!"

With lots of love

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