Friday, 22 September 2017


When I was growing up, I admired these wrist bands so passionately... though I never got the chance to have one on my wrist; and even till today, I have not had the opportunity to wear one. 

I really cant point out the exact reason I loved this wrist band, but I know it all started when I saw them advertised on a magazine. My assumption was that, since this magazine was international, there is no way they would be found locally... till I saw a few youth is my church wearing them and my jaw just dropped with envy. I was around 12 years by the way. It was like having a fashion statement and telling the world that you were right at the top of the fashion 'food chain'. Well... I clearly have never got to the top of that 'food chain'. 

I guess the most significant reason I still love these wrist bands is the meaning of those 4 letters... W.W.J.D *What Would Jesus Do?*

Having grown up in a Christian home, learning how to study the bible, being taught how to pray and practically making everyone pray before meals even when we visited family and friends gave me a pretty good idea of who a Christian is and what was expected of me. 

So at my age, getting to read in a magazine how this wristband was quite a good reminder of what was expected to go through my mind in every situation was quite exciting. 

In as much as I have never got my hands on these wonderful wristbands, these letters still have a very huge impact in my life. The main reason is that God decided to send us His son to live the life of a human and is the perfect example of how a Christian is expected to live hence my immense love for this question... WHAT WOULD JESUS DO??

This question is one that has gone through my mind during this heated period in our country when I have asked myself this question every single day since this hot period began. Imagine if Jesus lived in this generation... This man who is God, but still human enough to understand what the rest of us human beings are going through right now; what would he do... What would he say... What posts would be in his Facebook wall... What tweets on his Twitter feed... What memes in his WhatsApp groups??? WHAT WOULD JESUS DO???

One of the things I've been learning about following Christ is that a Christian is one who believes in the doctrines of Christ, one who is obliged to take part in spreading the doctrines of Christ known to the world and one who is forever indebted to Christ for the ultimate sacrifice he made on the cross... A debt that can only be paid when we spend our lives like Paul did; speaking of this wonderful Gospel.

So think about it... WHAT WOULD JESUS DO if he lived next door to you... If he shared your office space... If he sat next to you in the matatu this morning... If he was your follower on Twitter?? 

Now, for us to know what Jesus would have done, we only need to look at a christian and see what they do and we'll know. Let us make it a little bit more practical... what has a christian posted on their Facebook wall lately concerning this heated political situation in the nation??? What has their most recent tweet been??? What post have they shared on that WhatsApp group you share with them???

Does that make you cringe... Coz it has made me cringe very many times recently....

As Christians, we are called to live the same kind of life that Christ lived. And to get an idea of what Jesus would have done had he been a Kenyan today, we can only take a look at scripture and got our answers there. 


I know God has placed me in this society for a very good reason... But for sure he has not placed me in this society to be of this society. We are called to be in this world but not of this world. 

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Col 3:2
Being in this society at this time means I have to stand out as one who follows Christ daily and not to put aside my faith just because the political situation in the nation is heated. We so easily forget that our time here on earth is so limited and we still have eternity pending. 

As we choose to follow Christ, to we are meant to "... store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." 

I call upon Christians to take a stand at this time and make their lives about eternity and make a deliberate decision to stand for Christ and follow Him by making eternity the focus of who we are. 


"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." Romans 12:1
Having read "A Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, I have go to relate with one of his statements... "The challenge with a Living Sacrifice is that it can walk off the alter". 

A Christian's life is one meant to be spent on the alter as a living sacrifice... placed on the alter while alive and remains on the alter alive. True worship according to Paul is for us to remain on the alter... whether we are making a comment on Facebook, posting a tweet or sharing on a WhatsApp group. 

Brothers and sisters.... Let's not get off the alter. 


"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28
Paul took time to remind the Galatians that there was no difference between the Jews and the Gentiles... that so long as they were in Christ, they were united. The bigger picture was that being in Christ outweighed whatever other identity there was before their identity in Christ. 

I am not one to focus on tribal differences in this nation... But the truth is this; my identity is no longer in the language that was first spoken to me, my identity is no longer in the culture that I have known since I was a toddler... I have a new identity in Jesus Christ, I have a new culture in Jesus Christ, I have a new family in Jesus Christ. 

"By this they will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35
One of the key things that makes us in this world but not of this world  is by simply loving one another... most importantly, the culture of our new identity as the family of Christ is LOVE!