Friday, 22 September 2017


When I was growing up, I admired these wrist bands so passionately... though I never got the chance to have one on my wrist; and even till today, I have not had the opportunity to wear one. 

I really cant point out the exact reason I loved this wrist band, but I know it all started when I saw them advertised on a magazine. My assumption was that, since this magazine was international, there is no way they would be found locally... till I saw a few youth is my church wearing them and my jaw just dropped with envy. I was around 12 years by the way. It was like having a fashion statement and telling the world that you were right at the top of the fashion 'food chain'. Well... I clearly have never got to the top of that 'food chain'. 

I guess the most significant reason I still love these wrist bands is the meaning of those 4 letters... W.W.J.D *What Would Jesus Do?*

Having grown up in a Christian home, learning how to study the bible, being taught how to pray and practically making everyone pray before meals even when we visited family and friends gave me a pretty good idea of who a Christian is and what was expected of me. 

So at my age, getting to read in a magazine how this wristband was quite a good reminder of what was expected to go through my mind in every situation was quite exciting. 

In as much as I have never got my hands on these wonderful wristbands, these letters still have a very huge impact in my life. The main reason is that God decided to send us His son to live the life of a human and is the perfect example of how a Christian is expected to live hence my immense love for this question... WHAT WOULD JESUS DO??

This question is one that has gone through my mind during this heated period in our country when I have asked myself this question every single day since this hot period began. Imagine if Jesus lived in this generation... This man who is God, but still human enough to understand what the rest of us human beings are going through right now; what would he do... What would he say... What posts would be in his Facebook wall... What tweets on his Twitter feed... What memes in his WhatsApp groups??? WHAT WOULD JESUS DO???

One of the things I've been learning about following Christ is that a Christian is one who believes in the doctrines of Christ, one who is obliged to take part in spreading the doctrines of Christ known to the world and one who is forever indebted to Christ for the ultimate sacrifice he made on the cross... A debt that can only be paid when we spend our lives like Paul did; speaking of this wonderful Gospel.

So think about it... WHAT WOULD JESUS DO if he lived next door to you... If he shared your office space... If he sat next to you in the matatu this morning... If he was your follower on Twitter?? 

Now, for us to know what Jesus would have done, we only need to look at a christian and see what they do and we'll know. Let us make it a little bit more practical... what has a christian posted on their Facebook wall lately concerning this heated political situation in the nation??? What has their most recent tweet been??? What post have they shared on that WhatsApp group you share with them???

Does that make you cringe... Coz it has made me cringe very many times recently....

As Christians, we are called to live the same kind of life that Christ lived. And to get an idea of what Jesus would have done had he been a Kenyan today, we can only take a look at scripture and got our answers there. 


I know God has placed me in this society for a very good reason... But for sure he has not placed me in this society to be of this society. We are called to be in this world but not of this world. 

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Col 3:2
Being in this society at this time means I have to stand out as one who follows Christ daily and not to put aside my faith just because the political situation in the nation is heated. We so easily forget that our time here on earth is so limited and we still have eternity pending. 

As we choose to follow Christ, to we are meant to "... store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." 

I call upon Christians to take a stand at this time and make their lives about eternity and make a deliberate decision to stand for Christ and follow Him by making eternity the focus of who we are. 


"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." Romans 12:1
Having read "A Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, I have go to relate with one of his statements... "The challenge with a Living Sacrifice is that it can walk off the alter". 

A Christian's life is one meant to be spent on the alter as a living sacrifice... placed on the alter while alive and remains on the alter alive. True worship according to Paul is for us to remain on the alter... whether we are making a comment on Facebook, posting a tweet or sharing on a WhatsApp group. 

Brothers and sisters.... Let's not get off the alter. 


"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28
Paul took time to remind the Galatians that there was no difference between the Jews and the Gentiles... that so long as they were in Christ, they were united. The bigger picture was that being in Christ outweighed whatever other identity there was before their identity in Christ. 

I am not one to focus on tribal differences in this nation... But the truth is this; my identity is no longer in the language that was first spoken to me, my identity is no longer in the culture that I have known since I was a toddler... I have a new identity in Jesus Christ, I have a new culture in Jesus Christ, I have a new family in Jesus Christ. 

"By this they will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35
One of the key things that makes us in this world but not of this world  is by simply loving one another... most importantly, the culture of our new identity as the family of Christ is LOVE!

Friday, 16 June 2017



I really don't know how else to say that.

I was introduced to cycling around 3 years ago by one of my close friends. We cycled in Karura Forest and it was my first time on a bike after a really long time and I ended up falling so many times, getting lots of bruises and ending up with a bit of a bruised ego. (I thought cycling was a piece of cake!!)

3 years down the line, I have over 3,000 km of cycling under my belt and I have dreams of doing much more than that. I never dreamt that this would ever be one of my passions but we never know God's plans for us, now do we???

Getting from so many falls, cuts and a bruised ego to over 3,000 km cycled has taken a lot of learning for me, it has taken a lot of commitment and growing... making lots of sacrifices to improve on the saddle and make sure my body can withstand up to 100 km of cycling in a day. I have ended up cycling with quite a few groups of people and those have been my biggest learning moments.

The last group cycle I went for is one of those that God used to grow my faith a lot... This is why... 

I had not cycled with a group for quite a while... mostly because I've been focused on cycling with my wife and helping her get used to cycling on the same road with cars flying by her. (She's doing a really amazing job learning by the way... Hats off!!)

So for quite a while, I had been doing just 30 km max... and I was on my own. So for me to join a group ride after a lengthy time was good for me, at least to measure up to others and gauge how well I was doing (or so I though). The ride was meant to be 30 km and it ended up as 51 km!!!

Let me make the long story short... 51 km of cycling with a bunch of riders who have been training much more than me ended up with me being the last fellow and panting vehemently (does this word even apply here????). 

But at every single point, these bunch of guys encouraged me every single step (pedal) of the way... And I did it!! I've been cycling loads since then, no way I'm going through that again.

One of the things you will realize about life is, just like my cycling escapade, you will never do life on your own, you will never be the guy at the front of the pack always, and times will come when you need a little encouragement... and other times when you need to give a little encouragement to the guy cycling at the back of the pack.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Picture this... the life of a Christian is just like your favourite football team (Do you watch football???); the goal is for everyone to emerge victorious, to win the match. Christians are in a match against the evil one and all he stands for (Ref. to Ephesians 6:12).

We are called to surround ourselves with like minded brothers and sisters who will ensure that when we are panting and sweating at the back of the pack, they will stand with us and push us up the hills and challenges of the Christian walk. In the end we count ourselves as victorious because of the team that walked with us and helped us through.

I know of times when I have been alone and I have felt like giving up is the only option left… and just at the very last moment, God brings along a fellow team mate and I get picked up. I have seen Christians who decide they no longer want to be part of the team…

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Collosians 3:13-14

Remember this, none of us is perfect… this is a team of imperfect individuals who only want to get through life and live for Christ. We are only reminded to bear with one another as part of the same family. You see, when we love one another despite our weaknesses, love becomes the focus and we no longer see those weaknesses.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

Every Christian’s desire is to experience the fellowship and warmth of being part of the family of Christ… and that is the very nature God created in us.

Be a member of the team… first because you need it; and secondly, you could just be what another Christian needs. 

Tuesday, 14 February 2017


I wish…

How many times do you ever say these words? How many times have you said these words in your entire lifetime?

Precisely 2 years ago, that is one of the statements that went through my mind every time I considered the relationship I was in. It is the very same relationship I am in right now and it is the very same girl that I am about to wed in the next 17 days.

It was not always a bed of roses and I have to admit I was the cause of most of that. And it all came down to those 2 simple words that stayed on my mind at that time… I wish…

Have you ever thought that you made the wrong decision? And you keep bashing yourself… Telling yourself that had you made a contrary decision everything could be way better that it currently is?

Now that was me just about 5 months after I started dating my soon to be wife. My mind focused on so many ‘flaws’ that were just too big to miss out and made her such an imperfect girl to be dating. 

One of the resolutions I had made quite a while before I asked her out was that I was no longer interested in dating just for the sake of dating and that it had to be for a reason. So as we began our journey, we had committed to going the whole way. We had prayed about it and God, in His very special way and with all His wisdom, had allowed us to start things between us.

I had forgotten the commitment at the beginning and I was so sure she was the wrong girl to be with.

So here I was, focused on ‘flaws’ that were just TOO BIG to be missed… To me, they seemed as big as KICC, ain’t no way you could miss them!! I was beginning to realize that she was not the perfect girl I had pictured walking down the aisle towards me on our wedding day.

And so many times I said to myself, “I wish…” So many other girls looked so much better than she was; they did not have all the flaws that she had. The one thought that went through my mind… “I wish it was them and not her.” I guess I was simply making up my mind that I’ll not marry this girl.

Well, 2 years down the line… Here I am, and I just cannot wait to stand at the altar and watch her walking down the aisle towards me on our wedding day (very likely she’ll shed some tears). But she is still the very same girl I fell in love with, she’s still the girl with the giant ‘flaws’ that I was certain were too big to miss out.

And do you know what changed??? I did.

It took me nearly 7 months to realize that I was too blind to comprehend the powerful hand of God that was at work in the situation I was in and that it was His will that I was in this relationship. She was not the perfect girl that I had pictured in my head and it was my mind that was so full of flaws that I could not recognize a beautiful daughter of God that I was in love with… A beautiful daughter of God that was created in His image and was precisely in God’s will and plan for my life.

I realized one important thing in my life… My many “I wish…” statements were out of my own flaws and not those of God’s plan and will.

And this applies so many times in the heart of a believer… That things are not right, and we wish they were different, then things would be better. Many times when this same thoughts goes through our minds, we make it seem that life is in our control and that things are a mistake.

Do you ever think God’s ways are mistakes? That he made a mistake to have you in the family you are in, to look the way you do, to have you in the school you attend, to have you in the job you do, to have you in the relationship you are in… And the one statement that goes through your mind is “I wish…”

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

God has this divine way of placing us just where He wants us and it is so unfortunate that we sometimes do not realize it. Just like I did, our minds become flawed and we think that life is just one huge mistake and we wish we could make things better.

We develop our own definition of perfection that and if it just doesn’t happen that way, we make our lives out to be a failure.

I have been learning the listen to God’s voice, to understand His will and let my life take the direction which God desires me to take. My journey towards marriage has been one where I forget to listen to God’s voice and He takes me through a bumpy path and I realize I am in the wrong place and I have to find my way back to God.

The biggest lesson I have learnt through all these is to find God first and I get to learn what He wants from me.
 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

Nothing leads to contentment more than finding God in every situation, understanding why God has placed us there and finding our way through every single situation.

I am excited that I never really followed my desires to run away from this relationship and I finally understood why God wanted me here. I am excited that I will finally get to kiss my lovely bride very soon. Had I focused on my flaws, I would not be seated here with all this excitement knowing how well God has established Himself through this whole process.

It is exciting that I am not marrying the girl I had pictured on my mind so many times, but the one that God, in His sovereign nature, designed for me to be wedding. I'm forever grateful that I finally opened my eyes and I saw this new girl who will soon be my wife. 

Ps. This will very likely be my last blog post as a single guy… See you on the other side!!!

Tuesday, 31 January 2017


I've talked a lot about my 4 year experience in University; the good, the bad and the ugly... And I do not think I can ever really exhaust every little thing I learnt through that period.

One of the most amazing things that I got to appreciate is the beauty of seeing a building from being a mere thought to an actual structure. I was taught the intricate details of getting from an idea, putting it down on paper, getting the most workable and feasible dimensions and structural details, understanding all the details included on a huge bunch of papers and that eventually becomes a building. That’s the beauty of being in the construction industry.

The drama however, is what happens between the paper and the actual structure. Having been there, it is one very big hullabaloo!! It is a combination of so many people doing various jobs to make the final structure happen. It is very easy to give up at this point of the construction… it can be frustrating; it can be a headache and a really tiring process.

Getting to study the life of Joseph a few weeks ago got me to realize how much our lives as Christians are just like the process of getting a building from being on a piece of paper to being an actual structure with people living in it.

Let’s imagine the beginning of his life being the start of a building where it’s just a drawing on a piece of paper… Joseph had an idea of exactly how things would go, and God did reveal it to him in a dream. In theory, he knew that he would be great enough for his family to bow down to him… But he had no idea the process that was going to get things to that point. Joseph had to be sold as a slave, he had to live in a prison, and he had to be forgotten for him to be finally lifted up.

The big beautiful building in Joseph’s life is when he stands as the next in command to the Egyptian king and his whole family bows down in honor of him.

And at the end of it all, Joseph was wise enough to realize that it was all within the master plan that God had for him. You realize his brothers never saw the bigger picture and they wanted to ask for forgiveness from him. But Joseph’s response is the perfect picture of a young man who understood God’s process of getting him to where he was.

"Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive." Genesis 50:19-20

Another character that clearly had to go through a very hard process for God’s final plan to be revealed was Lazarus.

I wonder what went through Lazarus’ mind as he slept on his sick bed, just waiting for his really good friend Jesus to come heal him. We can be very sure he believed that Jesus was able to heal him.

Yet this friend of his stayed 2 more days wherever he was and it was a 2 day journey to get to him.

When Jesus heard that, He said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” John 11:4
At that very moment, people would have been very hopeful that things were looking up… But Lazarus did end up in a grave!! How?? And to make it worse, for 4 days!!!!

When Jesus finally came, his friend had been in a grave 4 days and the sisters were only left saying “What if…” To them, Jesus was 4 days late.

But Jesus arrived, and he arrived right on time! And we all know how the rest of the story goes.

As I look at these two men, I realize that every Christian goes through a period of being prepared for an even bigger thing in their lives. I realize that even as I plan and prepare to get a wife in a few days time, I see how much God has taken me through periods of challenges, periods where I have felt like giving up and like I was all alone.

Planning a wedding has been one of those new challenges that I have never gone through, one that I never knew the details of, yet I was very sure that one day, I would have a wife. It has been a period of knowing that trust has to be practical enough for me to keep walking with my head held high and knowing that God has a perfect plan.

And don’t we all feel this way!?

Walking the life of a Christian is one of being ‘dead’ and alone like Lazarus was, one where we feel as though we are in a prison, where we have been forgotten by our friends and family like Joseph was.

But Christ reminds us that it does not end in death but by the son of God being glorified through these very situations.

I have made a commitment in m life that I will take whatever God throws my way with the most positive mentality I can have. If He takes me through, desperation, through imprisonment, through being forgotten like Joseph was... Ill take it. If in case God requires me to go through death to see His name glorified like Lazarus had to... Ill take it

As we go through the deserts in our lives, we should not remain at Christ’s side so as to understand the process he is taking us through. Just like the long process of getting a house from a piece of paper to a massive structure that will stand the times.

We need to allow God to take us through a process of getting our dreams, hopes and God’s will… etc off the plan on a piece of paper, and actualizing it in our lives. We can be sure it’s not a process that will be easy and a bed of roses and we’ll go through processes of being broken so as to be rebuilt and for God’s will to be fulfilled.

Be encouraged that God’s plan is not see you remain in your times of death, imprisonment, pain and despair… But that He takes you through a period of rebuilding to see you rise up from the ashes to the big and mighty plan that He has in store for your life.

Jesus is never too late, He'll come in right on time!